2007      Study of hydrodynamical flow around submarine, Proseding Seminar Nasional ITATS, Peluang, Tantangan dan Prospek Transportasi Laut di Indonesia

2008      Study of Effect Sail and Fin Location on Submarine, Proseding Seminar Nasional FTK-ITS, SENTA Inovasi Teknologi Kelautan

2009      Effect Angle of Attact the Rudder to wake Fraction on Submarine, Proseding Seminar

Nasional FTK-ITS, SENTA Teori dan Aplikasi Teknologi Kelautan

2010      Change effect of  Rise of Keel to the wake Fraction of pole and line fishing vessels, Seminar nasional KONAS VII

2016      Effect of distance demihull catamaran ship, International seminar Senta 2016, ITS Surabaya

2017      The effect of cover dimension of Trimaran Hulls Gap on the Resistance, Case study on floating port design, International seminar Senta 2017, ITS Surabaya

2018      Kajian numeric pemilihan geometri fin buritan untuk kapal-kapal speed boat yang beroperasi di Ambon dan sekitarnya, seminar  Archipelogy Enginering 2018, Unpatti – Ambon


2012      Experimental analysis of hull shape to the submarine resistance, Jurnal Kelautan Nasional ISSN 1907-767X Vol.7 Nomor 1, Pp. 24-31

2013      Hydrodynamic Analysis of Additional Effect of Submarine Appendages Advances and Aplication in Fluid Mechanics ISSN : 0973-4686  Vol 13 Number 1, Pp. 65-74